Module 9

What is good policy?
Policies shape our lives, but how do we know if they’re effective? In this video, you’ll discover practical approaches to evaluating policies.
Case Study 1

How is energy shaped by policy?
This module takes a focused look at energy as a case study to illustrate how policy shapes this critical sector.
Module 8

What are careers in public policy?
Now that you’ve learned all about public policy in this video series, maybe you’d like to know a little bit more about some jobs that allow you to work in this field.
Module 7

Who else plays a role in public policy?
In a democracy like Canada, elected officials and politicians make policy, working with public servants to do so. But many others, like think tanks, lobbyists, the media, non-profits, public employees also play a role in informing, shaping, and implementing public policy. Action Canada Fellows share how they influenced policy in the following ways
Module 6

How does public policy get created?
Here is an overview of the four main stages, each of which involves many people:
First, a problem is identified. These issues can be broad, like how to address climate change, or more narrow, like how to reduce accidents on a busy road. Sometimes these issues are identified by politicians during election campaigns, sometimes these issues are raised by people outside government.
Module 5

What does the government do and how does it relate to public policy?
Different levels of government have shared and distinct responsibilities, and the Canadian Constitution defines which government has which powers. Here is a little bit of an overview:
Module 4

How can YOU get involved in public policy?
Here are some ideas:
• Find out what issues matter to you and learn more about them.
• Read or watch the news.
• Inform yourself through books, magazines, or other expert sources.
• Talk to people who are also interested about the issue.
• See if you can volunteer or work for an organization working on the issue.
• See if you can have an influence on the issue by writing to your elected official, educating people, or trying to organize an action around the issue such as a petition or a protest.
• Participate in a public dialogue about the issue, such as a public consultation.
Module 3

What is the difference between policy and politics?
Politics and public policy are interconnected, even though they both play their own special part in how the government works.
Politics is about who will govern. So which politicians are elected to power is based on the ideas they put forward about how they will run things and then how they will maintain support if they are elected. Politicians can be elected to municipal, provincial, territorial, federal, or First Nation governments.
Public policy is what the government actually does. This takes the form of public servants who work with politicians to turn their ideas into public policy. Public servants are employees of the government. They are not elected; they are hired to work for the government.
Module 2

Why does public policy matter?
Public policy matters because it determines the laws and regulations that shape how we live together.
Public policy is also important because it determines which services, we as citizens enjoy and which services the government doesn’t offer. Public policy affects all of us, whether we are aware of it or not, or whether we agree with it or not.
Module 1

What is public policy?
Public policy is what the government does or how it governs. It can take the form of laws, regulations, guidelines, or actions that address real world problems. It often takes the form of programs.