Following 10 months of consultations and conversations, the Your Energy Future Task Forces presented their final reports on March 9, 2018.
Canada’s low-carbon future will require significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, which currently represents almost one-quarter of national emissions. At the same time, transportation is at the beginning of a major transformation, namely, the electrification of personal vehicles, the advent of autonomous vehicles and the proliferation of ride-sharing. Although the pace of change is unclear, it is possible that emissions from transportation, without responsible and comprehensive public policy, could increase. As a result, this report provides key policy recommendations to ensure a comprehensive national framework led by the federal government. The first level of policies is aimed at steering consumer behaviour. The second level of policies is geared towards accelerating investment in transportation infrastructure. The third level of policies is aimed at protecting against undesirable consequences that could stem from a more convenient transportation system. Through literature research, impact analysis, stakeholder interviews and a community engagement simulation, this report proposes recommendations that reduce emissions, reduce vehicle distance travelled and replace lost government revenue. By implementing the robust policy framework outlined in this report, Canada could achieve multiple important outcomes: meeting our Paris agreement commitments, improving personal mobility and productivity, ensuring safer transportation and economic competitiveness, as well as maintaining healthier livelihoods.