The current economic model, driven by consumption and short-term value, has led to urban transportation systems in Canadian cities contributing significantly to environmental degradation. As the second-largest source of emissions in Canada, the existing model focuses on harm reduction rather than addressing the root causes.
This policy report advocates for a shift to a sustainable economic model in urban transportation for Canadian cities with over 100,000 people. Emphasizing purpose, circularity, equity, and long-term value, the proposed strategy encompasses governance, community, and individual levels. Collectively, these interconnected initiatives aim to steer Canada towards a truly sustainable era in transportation, fostering a resilient, equitable, and environmentally conscious future.
Governance Level: A New Approach for Sustainable Transportation Development
Recommendation 1: Establish governance committees for new transportation infrastructure development, with voting rights given to natural resources and priority communities
Community Level: Using Land Reform to Return Cities to the People
Recommendation 2: Reform land use and zoning practices to enable and promote urban infill and mixed-use zoning.
Recommendation 3: Require that all urban development projects on public lands prioritize development of public transit and active transportation.
Individual Level: Driving Toward a Future Beyond Car Ownership
Recommendation 4: Introduce a cash rebate program for licensed drivers without a registered car in their households to invest in sustainable mobility options.
Recommendation 5: Strengthen policy and program coordination to foster the development and growth of car-sharing options.