I find a trip home is always a welcome break but for me this trip to Halifax would be different than most.
Usually they are hurried weekends full of friends and family. This time I was in my hometown catching up with key leaders in the region as part of an Action Canada working conference. It was a wonderful experience for me to sit in a room and listen to the insights of the Mayor of Halifax or the Premier of Nova Scotia while also hearing the questions and reflections of other Action Canada Fellows from across the country.
It was particularly special given that for so many Fellows it was their first visit to the Maritimes. The discussions we had gave us all the opportunity to understand the unique issues facing the region. I thought the chance to have such a diverse group thoughtfully reflect on our history and challenges was tremendously interesting.
It was also heartwarming to see and feel the change that has been taking place in Halifax. I could sense a new energy in the city; cranes now dot the still reserved downtown skyline. New buildings and restaurants reflect optimism and energy in the city’s downtown. New leadership at City Hall and Province House gives me hope that eyes are now cast forward to the future where in the past we might have spent a little too much time looking back.
I left knowing Halifax is still a city I am proud to call home.
– James Stuewe, ’14